Theological Clarity. Relational Beauty. Historic Christianity.

About Harbor Church

Sarpy County is the fastest growing county in the state of Nebraska. With nearly 3,000 people moving to the region every year, population growth is outpacing church multiplication. By God’s grace, we hope to change that.

Our goal is not to simply start one church, but an entire network of churches that multiply disciples in every Sarpy County community as well. We’re praying that God would raise up men and women from across the metro who would live on mission in Papillion, Bellevue, Gretna, and beyond so that together we can renew the entire region with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • A harbor is a sheltered body of water where ships can find safety from the turbulent waters of the open seas. It’s also a place where sailors can rest from their travels and renew their strength before being sent back out with goods to export all over the world. Our name reflects our desire to be a place of safety and sending, where people from Sarpy County’s surrounding communities find refuge from the storms of life as they are renewed by the gospel and sent back into their neighborhoods and networks to show and share the good news of Jesus, capturing our heart to become a hub of church planting for the entire county.

  • To make Sarpy County a great place for all people. There’s a reason Sarpy County is the fastest growing county in the state of Nebraska. It’s a great place to live! From the schools and the parks to the athletic programs and academics, people are excited to call this place home. Our desire is to make each and every Sarpy County community great by saturating every corner of the county with the glory and grace of Jesus.

    To multiply disciples and churches. Disciples are people who trust Jesus as Savior and submit to him as Lord. He now lives in them, transforming every area of their lives. This is what it means to be a Christian, and this is the mission of the church. Church planting is God’s strategy for making disciples, and we have a vision for multiplying disciples and churches throughout our region and the world.

    To demonstrate and proclaim the gospel to everyone everywhere. The gospel is the good news that God is redeeming and renewing our broken world through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We believe that this news has the power to renew entire communities as people experience his grace and truth. We unapologetically proclaim the good news through our actions and words because we want all people to experience the freedom and joy of this incredible message.

  • Every church has an identity, a set of defining characters that shape the culture of the church community in powerful yet intangible ways. At Harbor, we want to intentionally cultivate a culture that is defined and shaped by three things: theological clarity, relational beauty, and historic Christianity.

    Theological Clarity. In a world filled with nominal Christianity, many people are confused about what Christians should believe, even among those who profess to follow Christ. Therefore, in an effort to help believers strengthen their Christian convictions - and to encourage skeptics to give Christianity a fair hearing - we aim to preach the truth of God’s Word clearly, sympathetically, and unapologetically.

    Relational Beauty. Too many people have rejected Christianity not because they’ve never heard the gospel preached, but because they’ve never seen it practiced. At Harbor, we work hard to cultivate a shared experience of grace that defines and sweetens every human interaction so that the gospel is both proclaimed and embodied among the members our church community.

    Historic Christianity. Every generation has its own unique perspective. It is, as C.S. Lewis argues, especially good at seeing certain truths, and especially susceptible to missing others.1 We need, therefore, the time-tested wisdom of the historic Christian church to help us see the gospel more clearly. For this reason, we embrace the rich heritage of the Reformed Protestant tradition, using the timeless creeds, confessions, and professions of the historic church to renew the contemporary church in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

    • We dream of a church where nominal Christians become fully devoted disciples of Jesus through a non-ignorable movement of the gospel that brings renewal to the entire region. 

    • We dream of a church that prioritizes spiritual formation through a counter-formative network of small groups that emphasize discipleship in the context of biblical community. 

    • We dream of a historic Christian church that embraces the creeds, confessions, liturgies, and hymns of the Reformed, Protestant tradition. 

    • We dream of a church that engages Sarpy County with the gospel through Christians who live as a faithful presence among their various relational networks. 

    • We dream of thousands of disillusioned skeptics awakened to a life of vibrant faith through Christians who live out the gospel in wise and winsome ways. 

    • We dream of a church that has a reputation for theological clarity, relational beauty, and historic Christianity.

    • We dream of a church that helps all people flourish by pursuing the common good. 

    • We dream of becoming a regional hub for church planting that will renew and transform the entire county through autonomous local churches that operate as harbors of safety and sending in each of Sarpy County’s local communities.

    • We dream of exporting the gospel around the world by discipling, developing, and deploying men and women for global missions through church planting. 

Our Timeline


(October – December 2024)

  • Solidify ministry philosophy and strategy. 

  • Begin church planting assessment. 

  • Recruit and develop leaders. 

  • Raise financial support. 

  • Take care of administrative needs – website, giving platform, bank account, branding, etc. 


(January – August 2025)

  • Continue raising financial support.

  • Host interest meetings and prayer gatherings. 

  • Continue to identify and develop leaders. 

  • Begin launching City Groups. 

  • Connect with Sarpy County residents and leaders. 

  • Secure core team member commitments. 

  • Secure meeting space. 

Core Team

(Sept. 2025 – Jan. 2026)

  • Begin Sunday morning core team gatherings to establish DNA & culture. 

  • Engage the city with the gospel through mercy ministry and local partnerships. 

  • Continue leadership development and group multiplication. 

  • Establish connections and discipleship pathways.


(September 2026 – Beyond)

  • Focus on connections and leader development. 

  • Multiply groups. 

  • Raise up elders and deacons. 

  • Recruit and train next generation church planters. 

Public Launch

(February – August 2026)

  • Launch public worship gatherings. 

  • Continue to multiply leaders and groups. 

  • Move toward financial independence.

  • Keep the DNA healthy. 

Our Invitation to You

We would love for you to partner with us in reaching Sarpy and beyond!


We desire to multiply disciples and churches throughout Sarpy County, and that can only be accomplished through prayer. Would you join us in praying for God to saturate Sarpy County with disciples and churches through Harbor?


Your financial support makes a huge difference. To reach our financial goals, we need a team of individuals, local churches, and organizations to give generously to the mission. Every dollar donated contributes to real lives transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ. The people of Sarpy County need you!


Does Harbor’s vision resonate with you? If so, we’d love to talk with you about joining our team!

Our Pastors

Trevor Nashleanas

As a graduate of Ralston High School, Trevor is no stranger to Sarpy County. He established a strong reputation in the community during his high school football career and maintains a number of relationships in the area. He played football at Northwest Missouri State where he met his wife, and eventually served as a chaplain for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Trevor served as the City Groups Director at Citylight West for two and a half years where he and his family have been members since 2022. He is pursuing a degree in apologetics and philosophy from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and his career as both a college football chaplain and a youth pastor make him a strong candidate for a church plant in a community devoted to youth sports, family, and education. Trevor excels at communication and leadership development. He will bring vision and strategy to Harbor Church.

Ryan Meyer

Ryan is a dedicated leader with a shepherd’s heart and a passion for building meaningful relationships. Raised in the suburbs of West Omaha, he went on to play football at Northwest Missouri State in Maryville, Missouri where he studied his MBA and met his wife, Kelsey. For the past eight years, Ryan has faithfully served at Coram Deo Church as Pastor of Connections and Membership, guiding others in discipleship and pastoral care. He completed his seminary studies at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2018. With his upbringing, business background, and love for the outdoors, Ryan is an ideal fit and is connected to the community in Sarpy County. His experience as a college athlete, his gift for hospitality, and his heart for mercy ministry uniquely equip him to lead and shepherd Harbor Church. Ryan is passionate about discipleship, community development, and creating an intentional environment where people can encounter Christ and grow in their faith.